We commit relentless dedication to build a society of collective prosperity.
We take our role as a socially-responsible company seriously. We are committed to helping the local community, bringing happiness to our employees, achieving joint growth with our partners and providing reliable products and services to consumers.
Striving for customer satisfaction.
Customers are a key factor in determining a company’s success. Many companies set a range of target customers and perform business activities such as establishing business strategies, production, and sales accordingly. KCI listens to the voices of customers regarding environmental friendliness, diversity, and sustainability, and performs ESG management activities reflecting them. We actively participate in customer satisfaction surveys, ESG evaluations, and international ‘initiatives’, and we are also expanding our eco-friendly certified products to enhance our company's image and customer satisfaction.
Safety and Health
Prioritizing the safety of our employees.
KCI is dedicated to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all employees. We consistently work on enhancing disaster prevention measures and optimizing working conditions. The safety and health management initiatives encompass safety education and activities, fostering a safety-conscious culture that underscores our commitment to employee well-being. Through these endeavors, we uphold our responsibility for safety and health.
and Quality
Striving to provide safe products
to our customers.
The value and status of a company are derived from the quality and safety of its products and services, which align with customer demands and expectations. KCI is dedicated to delivering safe and reliable products to our customers through stringent product management, ongoing product development, and adherence to our social and environmental responsibilities. By focusing on these areas, we strive to improve customer satisfaction, achieve sustainable growth, and generate social value.
Sustainable Supply
Chain Management
Participate in sustainable management
with our suppliers.
As the scope of corporate responsibility expands, issues such as labor, environmental degradation, and safety within the supply chain have a significant impact on both the quality of products and services and the corporate image. In response, KCI proactively collaborates with its suppliers and conducts regular evaluations to gauge stakeholders’ opinions. Through these initiatives, KCI strives to prevent negative outcomes and promote sustainable management practices.
Human Rights
Management and
Human Resource
Considering our employees to be
our most valuable asset.
KCI strictly complies with the Labor Standards Act and the Sexual Equality Employment Act while practicing human rights management and stipulating anti-discrimination. We annually provide human rights education for all employees and conduct a grievance-handling process to protect victims. KCI actively operates HR development, labor-management co-prosperity, and welfare programs to strengthen the employees’ competence and create a fulfilling work environment. We also strive to vitalize the organizational culture and prioritize the employees.
Established an information security system
to protect personal information.
KCI is establishing policies and systems to protect personal information by implementing an information security system in conjunction with our affiliates. We operate physical and conscious security solutions to improve information security awareness and strive to identify risks and strengthen response measures.