
We strive to protect the environment for the future we envision.

Making our business activities eco-friendly is a mission we take seriously. We are dedicated to making continuous efforts in identifying and addressing elements that impact the environment to protect our planet and make life more abundant and convenient for mankind.

Management and
Climate Change

We actively participate in environmental management and climate change.

Beyond severe climate change happening globally, we are entering an era of the climate crisis. Being environmentally friendly has become an essential element of corporate management, and major countries around the world are strengthening their carbon reduction goals and expanding carbon regulations. Accordingly, KCI is carrying out eco-friendly management and carbon reduction activities by deriving a roadmap to achieve carbon neutrality and reduce greenhouse gas and energy consumption.

Environmental Management

KCI has introduced a systematic environmental management system to promote a sustainable society and protect the environment. By integrating environmental protection efforts into our strategies and core values, we are committed to sustainable development. We proactively respond to global environmental changes and act with a deep sense of responsibility toward environmental issues.

Strategies for promoting Environmental management

  • Response to
    Net Zero

    Expanded the use of
    renewable energy

    Energy conversion activities to reduce GHGs

    Achieving net zero emissions by 2050

    Joining RE100

    Introduction of GHG reduction technology

  • Strengthening the Circular
    Economy System

    Increased waste recycling rate

    Reduced water usage

    Efforts to reduce air pollutants

    Efforts to reduce hazardous chemicals

    Developed recycling technology and expanded investments

  • Strengthening the
    Management System

    Established ESG Committee

    Straticized the product environment

    Strengthening certifications such as ISO 14001 and 45001

    Strengthened employees' awareness of eco-friendly management

    Company-wide goal management

Climate Change Response

KCI actively participate in CDP’s initiatives to follow the response trend in climate change and satisfy customers’ requirements. Based on this, we strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption to become a leading eco-friendly company in the chemical industry. In addition, we make an effort to achieve Net Zero by 2050 and fulfill the responsibility as a member of the global society. The ESG Committee always confirms and discusses related issues to contribute to making a better society.

2050 Carbon Neutrality Roadmap
  • Reduce 20%

  • Reduce 50%

  • Reduce 100%

  • Transition to renewable energy

  • Active carbon emission reduction efforts

  • Energy efficiency improvement

  • Development of eco-friendly products

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Table
Division Unit 2021 2022 2023
Direct Greenhouse Gas Emissions
(Scope 1)
tCO2eq 2,211.67 2,298.65 2,107.25
Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions
(Scope 2)
tCO2eq 3,220.29 3,245.11 3,189.89
Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions
(Scope 1 + 2)
tCO2eq 5,431.96 5,543.76 5,297.14
Greenhouse Gas Emission Intensity
(Scope 1, 2)
/ Ton
0.56 0.52 0.52
Energy Table
Division Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total Energy Consumption TJ 67.29 67.81 66.66
- Electricity TJ 43.15 44.85 41.24
- Liquid Natural Gas TJ 0.16 0.21 0.20
- Gasoline TJ 0.21 0.17 0.05
- Diesel TJ 110.80 113.04 108.15
- Energy Intensity GJ/Ton 11.52 10.52 10.68

Usage &

Striving continuously to solve environmental problems caused by resource usage.

Continuous efforts are needed to promote reuse, recycling, and the circulation of resources to prevent the depletion of natural resources and address environmental issues caused by resource usage. In particular, KCI is continuously reducing environmental impacts by practicing waste separation and minimizing waste generation to meet the strict requirements for managing hazardous chemicals and waste.

Resource Use

Water scarcity is intensifying worldwide and the changes in rainfall patterns and rising sea levels caused by climate change are accelerating. KCI recognizes the importance of water resource management and is actively implementing activities to reduce the amount of water used and wastewater generated.

  • Water Pollution and Wastewater Management

    To minimize the discharge of hazardous substances, we have set discharge limits to below 80% of legal discharge standards and regularly monitor discharge levels. We are reducing water consumption and safely releasing wastewater after secondary treatment.
  • Air Pollutant Management

    We have established guidelines for air, water, noise, and vibration management to actively respond to air pollution and environmental issues, conduct environmental impact assessments, as well as record and practice hazard management plans.
Water Consumption
Water Consumption Table
Division Unit 2021 2022 2023
Water withdrawal ML 31.10 45.71 38.45
Water consumption ML 17.26 25.33 19.75
Water discharge ML 13.83 20.38 18.70
Wastewater discharge ML 11.33 18.74 17.60
Wastewater recycling ML 0 0 0
Water pollutant discharge
Wastewater Discharge and Recycled Amount Table
Division Unit 2021 2022 2023
Chemical oxygen demand
Tons 0.88 1.22 0
Total organic carbon(TOC)* Tons 0 1.04 1.78
Biochemical oxygen demand
Tons 0 0 0
Suspended solids
Tons 0.85 1.35 0.53

* Total oxygen demand (TOC): The 2022 data value is based on measurements starting from April 2022

Air Pollutant Emissions
Air Pollutant Emissions Table
Division Unit 2021 2022 2023
NOx Tons 2.52 1.29 1.21
SOx Tons 0.06 0.07 0.04
Dust Tons 1.04 0.42 0.59

Waste Management

KCI has established waste management guidelines to minimize waste generation and to also increase the efficiency of resource use. In accordance with the guidelines, we designate the authority and role of the waste-related person in charge (Plant manager, Environment safety department head, etc.), identify the status of waste generation, report treatment plans, separate and collect waste, etc. according to the legal obligations. We maintain records of hazardous information according to the Waste Management Act for the waste subject to the environmental minister's notification, and design eco-friendly processes to minimize environmental impact and prevent the generation of unnecessary process byproducts.

Waste Table
Division Unit 2021 2022 2023
Waste discharge by
type(industrial waste)
General waste Tons 122.96 130.37 128.62
- Landfill Tons 33.72 43.39 54.11
- Incineration Tons 56.92 54.96 50.03
- Recycle Tons 35.32 32.02 24.48
- Others Tons 0 0 0
Designated waste Tons 1,690.31 1,539.10 1,550.39
- Landfill Tons 0 0 0
- Incineration Tons 0.49 33.72 4.17
- Recycle Tons 1,687.32 1,505.38 1,546.22
- Others Tons 2.50 0 0
Total waste discharge Tons 1,813.27 1,669.47 1,679.01
Waste discharge per sales Ton/KRW million 0.0222 0.0152 0.0153
Waste recycling Recycled Waste Tons 1,722.64 1,537.40 1,570.70
Waste recycling
% 95 92 94

Handling and management of hazardous chemicals

KCI has established guidelines for the management of hazardous chemicals to prevent accidents that may occur during the handling of hazardous chemicals. These guidelines define the authority and role of the person in charge (plant manager) related to the handling of hazardous chemicals and regulate the methods of storing, handling, and using hazardous materials, as well as procedures for responding to leakages. We conduct regular and random safety checks and safety diagnoses to prevent accidents and ensure safety management, and in particular, facilities for handling hazardous chemicals are operated after a pre-operation check.

Investment in

KCI invests in eco-friendly products to protect environment and make people’s life prosperous.

Aligned with the prevailing eco-conscious direction in the chemical sector, KCI embraces the use of natural materials and pursues the development of biodegradable alternatives. In addition, we maintain an ongoing effort to identify and enhance elements that affect the environment, thereby contributing to its safeguard. We also allocate resources towards the creation of eco-friendly products that enrich the quality of life and enhance convenience for individuals.


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Posted on March 28, 2023

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